The South Coast Track

It's 85 kilometres from Melaleuca Inlet deep in the South West Corner of Tasmania, to Cockle Creek on the East Coast, two hours south of Hobart. Between the two, is a track famous for its mud, its beauty and the rugged barrier of the Iron Bound Range, which rises almost a kilometre above sea level to bar the way of the ill prepared walker. Sal and I set out in early April to make the nine day trip.... We saw one other human being during the journey. The weather went from OK to terrible, the mud was thick and cold, the hail  stung our faces as each squall spun off the southern ocean and yet the magnificence of this liminal world will effect the way I live my live for years to come. If you're interested in the extended story, including a dramatic surprise ending, visit Sal's blog at

In the meantime here are a few images that might to give you sense of the isolation